Sunday, December 16, 2012

Travel and Christmas Decorations

There is not many updates on the house this time but we have sure kept busy. We had a huge snow storm and got a foot and a half to two feet of snow at our house.

My car halfway through the snow storm

We already had plans to visit Michael's brother in Las Vegas so we decided to get away from the snow and cold and head to Vegas for the weekend. Everything did not go as planned. We hoped to be able to drive all the way through the storm and get to Vegas that night. The roads were a lot worse then we expected though and only made it about 2 hours into our 6 hour drive. We decided to stop for the night and make a plan in the morning. While settling into the hotel Michael's mom fell in the parking lot of the hotel and got a black eye.

She got a massive black eye from her fall
In the morning we decided to continue on to Las Vegas. We got there just in time to watch the airshow. I was not prepared for it to be cold in Vegas so all I had was a thin rain coat. That made for a chilly airshow viewing but it was still lots of fun.

I was so cold. I bet Michael was as well.
The rest of the weekend was fun and of course it was over way too quick. After we got back to Utah it warmed up and we took advantage of it for a few more hikes not in the snow.

He loves to go on hikes

We also kicked off or Christmas season with a 5K Santa Run in Ogden Utah. You were given a Santa uniform and had to dress as Santa to participate in the run. There were a few elves and reindeer mixed in but most were dressed as Santa. Instead of handing out energy bars and Gatorade they handed out milk and cookies (they had water too). It was really fun and an excellent way to kick of the Christmas season.

Dressed as Santa and ready to run

There were so many Santas

All of us at the finish line. Time for some pizza and a Christmas movie.

I was finally able to finish my cross stitch of the nativity I had been working on for a few months, just in time for Christmas. I still don't have it framed but this picture is of it almost finished. I will put up a picture when I get it framed.
I love it
I also made a swag for our door from trimmed branches from our Christmas tree. It turned out really nice I think.

My brother and his girlfriend got us an early Christmas gift of an ordainment. We love it. It is so perfect.

Among all the travel and the Christmas festivities we did manage to work a little on the house. We are putting new baseboard in and painting a few little things and finishing the outside by painting the trim on the house. We chose a dark brown and it looks really nice.

We do live a busy life and I am sure there are more post to come to keep you all informed with all of our activities.

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