Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Date night bike ride

After my night shift yesterday I couldn't find the motivation to go for my run. Especially because Michael and I had planned on going on a bike ride when he got home from work. I decided around 3 that it was official that I was not going to run today. I planned out that I would do my long run tomorrow, 5.5 miles. Then 2.5 miles on Thursday and 3 miles on Friday. Rest days are part of the plan. I just need to make sure that a change in the plan doesn't stop the plan, run a marathon and get fit. 

For our bike ride we went to a local trail right near our house. Michael biked there but I am not quite there yet. I have walked there before but it is straight uphill and takes some effort. I saved my energy for the trail. I have biked it before but mainly hiked it. I got my mountain bike in the summer of 2011 when we were just newly married. I am pretty slow especially compared to Michael who has been mountain biking for a long time. I don't feel comfortable going alone, because I might fall, and it is hard for Michael because I was so slow and stopped a lot. I then got pregnant and then I didn't go biking until I had Rylie. I remember the first time biking after I had Rylie was when she was about six weeks old and we did the same trail. It was fun but quickly after the ride the weather turned cold and rainy and that leads us to today. 

Today's ride was a little better then the one when Rylie was six weeks old but I still had to stop often. I felt a lot better about it and felt like, even though I was stopping, I was stronger. 

I also in a much better place emotionally! Before I started losing weight I was very low emotionally. When I was not able to do something physically or get out of breath, I would focus on what I could not do. I was very hard on myself. Today, even though I had to stop or even walk part of the trail, I would be excited that I had done the part I did or how far I have made it, or even how happy I was. 

It was a great day and perfect weather for our ride. It was defiantly a feel good day! I will now eat my night time treat. Yum yum! 

Victory: I didn't go over calories today even though I was feeling VERY snacky all day, and I saved some for my night time treat. 

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