Tuesday, May 27, 2014

NY/DC Day 1

Flying first class in the way to go! We not only got drinks before the flight took off but the whole warm towel thing is true. I didnt know what to do with mine so I just wiped my hands. Michael wiped his face but I did not want to ruin my make up. I felt so out of place. Haha. Then we got a table cloth for our traytables. We then got our meal. There was a choice between a bagel sandwich or cereal. I got the bagel sandwich and Michael got the cereal. Right away Michael wished he had gotten the bagel so I let him have some of mine and I had a muffin that came with his. Sharing is caring right? :) I wish I had taken a picture of the breakfast but I didn't think about it until the tray was already gone. We had an uneventful flight and both took a little nap.

We had a layover in Minneapolis with just enough time to go to the bathroom and sit down at our gate for a couple minutes before they started boarding. The flight attendent on this flight was not nearly as nice as the first one but far from bad. It was a little airplane so there was not enough time to get a drink before, oh well. We got a nice lunch on this flight too. the were all out of a salad option by the time they got to us. It sounded really good too but we got the sandwich instead. No special sandwich just a normal deli meat sandwich. They did not have regular yellow mustard though only the grey pupon type mustard. It had been a long time sence I have had it so i decided to give it a shot. NOT A FAN! It was so gross to me, Michael actually really liked it. I tried to scrape it off but I ended up eating the last half of my sandwich without the bread because it was so gross. Oh well, the rest of the meal was pretty good..

When we arrived in Newark airport we were at a loss of where to go. We a guest service person where to go to catch a bus or a train and they would give us vage directions really fast and then move on to the next person. Michael and I would talk after and see what the other person got from that and somehow we found where we were suppose to go. 

We caught a bus to Newark Penn Station, the big bus/train/amtrack/grayhound terminal for newark, and took a train that let us out "close" to our hotel. 

Close was around .75 of a mile. Ha. Imagin rolling your rolly luggage sucases for a little less then a mile with qestionable streets and closed sidewalks and not really knowing where the hotel was. Everything is an sdventure right? It was a little funny to me and a little stressful to Michael. We finaly made it to our room around 4:30. If you factor in the time change that it 10 hours of travel. Needless to say, we layed down for a little bit. I set an alram for an hour otherwise we would have sleept all night.

We talked about what to do with our night because there was not a whole lot of it left. Our hotel is right next to the water and so we went and walked along the riverside for a little bit. It had started to rain so we debated staying in or not but decided that a little rain wouldn't hurt and figured it would stop soon. As we were on the riverfront I was able to see the staue of liberty for the first time. It was small but i still wanted to take a picture. Michael told me to just wait until monday and I will be able to take a lot closer picter but I wanted on  of my first time seeing it.

After that Michael wanted to go to this grocery story he saw on Google maps that seemed not to far. We went and got some stuff for meals so we would not have to eat out all the time. For dinner that night we got a rotisserie chicken that I was excited about. I love rotisserie chicken. It is so juicy and flavorful, this one was not however. it was so dry it was hard to choke it down sometimes. I ended up making a sandwich with some french bread we got and that was ok. We threw the last part of it away though.

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