Tuesday, May 27, 2014

NY/DC Day 2

We tried to find a church that we could go to but the timing and location of trying to find an English sacrament meeting, it just did not work out. We slept without an alarm to wake us up but we were awake by 7. We then got dressed and had breakfast and a pretty low key morning. We left our hotel somewhere around 10 and made our way to New York by way of train.

There are sooooooooo many people in New York! We walked through time square and I couldnt even tell it was anything because there were so many people there. Here are some picture around time square.

We then headed to the Body mussium. I was so excited! It came to Salt Lake for a limited time when I was living in Provo. I could not find anyone that wanted to go with me and I did not want to go alone. The time passed and the exibit left and instantly I was sad that I had not gone. That is totaly my thing. I got very excited when I heard they were in New York. It was awesome. I loved it so much. Michael is not much for musiums and so he took about half the time I did but thats ok. You could only take pictures of one of the exibits or else i Would have taken a million of them. What the body exibit is, is they take real bodies and they take the skin off to display the organs and bones and tendonds and all the inside parts of the body. it was facinating. Here are some pictures of the one that we could take pictures of. We could not use the flash so they are a little blurry.

Two bodies on a horse body

The legs and body of the horse

The legs of the horse

You can see another nody in the distance on the last picture showing the skelliton and blood vessles. inbetween the horses legs you see a red circle. That is the blood vessles of the face and head with everything else removed. It was facinating. there was so many it was almost solid. I loved that exibit so much. It was weird though because there were maybe 10 other people there with us. I asked a worker if it was always that slow and she said sometime and other times it is very crowded so I guess it just depends on the time and the day. It was kind of nice to not have to look around other people for what you wanted to see.

We then went to Central Park. We ended up walking the entire length of it, south to north. It took us around 4 hours to do that! That was a lot longer then I thought it would take us. We were done walking around 3 hours but thought it would be cool to walk the whole thing so we did. We did however catch the train back down. Haha. Here are some pictuers of our walk.
We passed this just before we got to the park. It was so pretty I had to stop and take a picture. Turns out this is a memorial to the Firefighters that died on 9/11
Sorry. I dont know how to rotate the picture right now, This is the building the firefighter memorial is in front of. I thought it looked really interesting as well as burned a little bit.
All the taxis going around the statue at the south end of the park
Statue at the south end of central park. It looked like a Roman Theme

There were so many people in the park. Any spot with grass on it had people laying on it.

My love looking at something

There was only one time that I was in Central Park and could not see the skyline of New York, I thought it was constantly an interesting view.

One of the main playgrounds in the park. The rock you see at the bottom was all over the park. This was the main one played on because it was the biggest and right next to the park. It reminded me on the slick rock in Moab.

There were interesting structures all over the park

Same structure as above.

The road going under the park

There were lots of statues all over the park. I think this is suppose to be Shakespeare.

The famous fountain

There were soooo many people. Its not like the movies were nobody is around.

Cool tunnel structure by the fountain. There was a lady singing opera at the other end. There were street performers everywhere.

These guys were hilarious. They were dancing on roller skates. I wanted to give them money but they did not have a bucket. Michael and I decided they were doing it just for fun. They looked like they loved it. Something not fun though, I saw the guy on the left do the biggest farmers blow into the sun I have ever seen. I gagged as I was telling Michael about it. haha

Not the best picture with the shade but this it where John Lennon died.

Where you could rent boats and row around. We were going to until we saw that the line was about two hours long.

Michael was getting tired of picture taking so I told him to stand there and look like he was having a good time. This is what I got. Haha. I love him.

This was me hanging off the dock to look at the turtles in the water. There were so many of them. There was one that was pestering this other one relentlessly. He would swim real close and then fan him in the face with his hands, over and over again. The other turtle kept snapping at him and swimming away but the other guy wouldn't leave him alone for at least a couple of minutes. It was funny to watch.

So many turtles

A cool view from Central Park

Looking over the lake

A cool stone bridge. This is one spot I was not able to see any buildings.
Somewhere along the way home we passed Madison Square Garden. There were lots of fans for the game tonight.

On the train back to the hotel. It was always so crowded.

After some dinner and a much needed shower we were ready for bed.

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